Work is underway on a follow up to "Initiate to Adept". I feel like the topics I'm covering are intermediate / expert but I don't want to say that reading a book will make you a master of the game. Instead of a title like Adept to Battlemage or anything like that I'm considering the "Adept's Almanac", suggesting a possible (annual) series or just a guide that will be useful for a long time. I've covered about a dozen topics in the current draft but I want to include a lot more. The problem is- it's kind of tricky to find broad topics when a lot of the intermediate concerns deal only with a few specific cards. Another challenge lies in avoiding the use of WotC's trademarks and other potential IP infringement. Don't be too surprised to hear me talking about the 'quest for the angry hamster lord'!
With a little luck and possibly a few interviews I'm hoping to have the Almanac ready to publish by the time Return to Zendikar is released, if there are a lot of tricky mechanics in the new bloc I will delay the release to include some talk about them.
Thanks for all the support on "Initiate to Adept," and the "Adept's Addendum," I've seen some very encouraging reviews and I'm glad so many people are finding them helpful, I hope they're taking some of the load of teaching the game off of all you veterans and making it easier for everyone to play!
Someone recently ordered a bunch of copies of Initiate to Adept in print, hopefully it was a small comic / game shop. Please let your local shop know about this publication and that it is available at wholesale pricing to retailers via Createspace, help make Magic more accessible! -Thanks!